The Alabaster Jar of Perfume

(Matthew 26:6-13, Mark 14:3-9, Luke 7:36-50):

A woman anointed Jesus with expensive perfume from an alabaster jar. This act of love and sacrifice demonstrates the depth of devotion and the acceptance of God's grace and forgiveness.


Our story is set in the ancient city of Bethany, a peaceful and humble village located on the eastern slope of the Mount of Olives, just a short distance from Jerusalem. Bethany was known for its simplicity and the warmth of its people. Among the residents of this village was a woman who would soon become the central character in our tale.


There lived a woman in Bethany, known only within her small community. But she had a story to tell, a story that would resonate through the ages.
The woman, who had a past marked by poor choices and mistakes, had recently experienced a transformation. She had encountered a man named Jesus, whose teachings and acts of love and compassion had profoundly touched her heart. With her past sins heavy on her soul, she yearned for forgiveness and a new beginning.

One day, as Jesus and his disciples journeyed through Bethany, they stopped at the home of Simon the leper. It was here that our story truly began.


As Jesus reclined at the table, a stirring revelation began to take shape in the woman’s heart. She had brought an alabaster jar, a vessel of great value. But it wasn’t the value of the pot that held her attention; it was what it contained that mattered most.

The perfume within the alabaster jar was pure nard, a fragrant and costly ointment. The woman had likely acquired it with great effort, and its worth was a year’s wages for a labourer. The jar held an aroma that was exquisite and of significant value.

However, the revelation that struck the woman was not about the worth of the perfume itself but rather its symbolic significance. She understood this jar represented her past, sins, and search for redemption. In a moment of divine inspiration, the woman realized that this jar held the key to expressing her devotion to Jesus, her desire for forgiveness, and her love for the one who had offered her grace.

Turning Point

As the gathering continued, the woman approached Jesus. Her actions marked the turning point of our story. With trembling hands, she broke the alabaster jar and poured the precious nard over Jesus’ head.

Her actions caused astonishment and criticism. Some questioned the value of “wasting” such expensive perfume. Yet the woman was undeterred, for she knew the actual value of what she was doing.

She knelt before Jesus, tears of repentance falling onto his feet, wiping them away with her hair. Her act of love and humility was an acknowledgement of her past sins and a plea for forgiveness. She poured out not only the expensive perfume but also the depths of her heart, devotion, and desire for forgiveness.

Life Lesson

The life lesson that emanates from this story is one of profound grace, forgiveness, and the boundless love of God. The woman with the alabaster jar teaches us that it’s never too late to seek forgiveness and redemption. Her act of sacrificial love, humility, and devotion reminds us that, no matter our past, God’s grace is always available to us.

This story illustrates that our mistakes, regrets, and sins do not define us. They are not the end of our story but the beginning of a new chapter filled with grace and forgiveness. The woman with the alabaster jar teaches us to approach God with a humble and contrite heart, for He is ready to embrace us, forgive us, and love us unconditionally.


The woman with the alabaster jar serves as an enduring source of encouragement. Her story inspires us to approach our faith with humility, to seek forgiveness with sincerity, and to understand that our past does not disqualify us from God’s love and grace. Her sacrificial love encourages us to express our devotion to God without reservation.

Her story also reminds us that no act of love and devotion, no matter how humble or extravagant, is wasted when offered to God. It encourages us to open our hearts, pour our love and gratitude, and seek God’s forgiveness without hesitation. In doing so, we find hope, redemption, and the embrace of a loving and merciful God.

Closing Thought

In conclusion, the woman with the alabaster jar leaves us with a profound closing thought. Her act of love and sacrifice, motivated by her desire for forgiveness and her devotion to Jesus, serves as a timeless reminder of the boundless love and grace of God. It calls us to approach our faith with humility and to seek forgiveness with sincerity, knowing that God’s love and grace are always available to us.

The woman’s story challenges us to examine our hearts, to pour out our love and gratitude to God, and to trust in His unending mercy. It is a testament to the fact that our past does not define us; instead, it is our present actions, our love, and our devotion that genuinely matter in God’s eyes. In her humble act of love, we find a message of hope, redemption, and the transformative power of God’s grace that can touch every heart and soul.